Our clients include international cultural, art, history, and science institutions seeking temporary traveling exhibitions to present to their audience and traveling exhibition services from EDG to support their exhibition programs. EDG also assists leading cultural institutions and other exhibition organizers including museums, collection owners and foundations in placing their collections in venues where the works can be best appreciated and aligning with host museum missions. Our goal is to meet our clients’ individual needs in providing projects and services to reach financial, educational, aesthetic, philanthropic, and institutional goals.
Long lasting relationships are the essence of any partnership. Our collaborator partners include museums, corporate sponsors, private donors, investors, and preferred suppliers that share our mission and vision in supporting cultural exchange through meaningful programming. F500™ companies that wish to align their corporations with major cultural institutions and their mission are also recognized as valuable partners of EDG and our clients as they are integral in supporting non-profit institutions while also gaining corporate exposure and reaching a dynamic audience with relevance to corporate missions. Without the collaboration of non-profit institutions and for-profit organizations, exhibitions would simply not succeed.